Versión española
"JAMOTEC" ham holders are tools designed to immobilize the ham completely. The cutter must ensure that both ham and ham holder do not move during the whole cutting process and in this way, by using very sharp knives, the work can be done *safety* avoiding accidents. Since its foundation, Jamotec, S. L. has always  worked in this direction, priorizing this *safety* over any other consideration.

New tilting models!

F2 Rocker
F2+ Rocker

General characteristics

With a vanguard design and the quality that characterizes the *Jamotec* products come the newly developed the models
*F2 Rocker* and *F2+ Rocker*

Made entirely of solid stainless steel or combined with wood, both have as novelty:

The *F2+ Rocker* model consists of a Genuine Bi-Directional Fully Rotational System. This system allows the client to perfectly see the carve of ham, allowing those who carve the ham to position it accordingly, keeping the ham TOTALLY STILL AT ANY ANGLE for a safe carve, even suitable for hams up to 16 Kg of weight

Made without springs or sensitive elements, avoiding wears and tears, these two models are devices with personality, unique and exclusive.

25-year warranty